Tag: JavaScript Training in Rohini

Functions in JavaScript

Functions in JavaScript play a very important role. Function is a group of codes designed for a specific task and is designed to avoid repetition of a code. We can also call function as a mini program to do any particular task. We need to call a function to execute it. Functions are the great […]

How to Create a Simple Image Gallery in JavaScript

Hi, I am Pradeep Kumar Jha a student of ADMEC Multimedia Institute Delhi, learning Web Designing/ UI Development course here. Today I want to discuss about the development of a basic image gallery in JavaScript. This is a project given by our JavaScript mentor in this institute. Who can read this post? A web designer, a JavaScript enthusiastic, a JavaScript learner, […]

Basic JavaScript Tutorial for Beginners

Hi, I am Surekha Madaan, a web designing student of ADMEC Multimedia Institute today I am writing a very easy and step by step tutorial on JavaScript for those who just started learning JavaScript or for beginners. This article is completely focused on JavaScript basics and contains useful information about the introduction of JavaScript, importance of JavaScript and […]

What is the difference between instanceof and typeof operators in JavaScript?

Use of typeof Operator in JavaScript typeof checks for the datatype of a given value. Suppose you have a value in a variable or have multiple values in an array and you want to check the datatype or value type of that value then typeof operator is a solution in JavaScript. I am giving an example […]

What is JavaScript and how it is useful for Websites?

In my teaching and industry familiarity of many years in JavaScript I have observed a very common question in many students that what is the use of JavaScript in today’s websites?. So I determined to convolute a most common and less clear side of JavaScript in this post. What is JavaScript? JavaScript is a client side programming language and […]

Data Types or Value Types in JavaScript

This article discusses about the data and data types or value and value types in JavaScript. JavaScript recognizes 5 following given values. Values in JavaScript String: “I am Ravi Bhadauria” Number: 25, 25.35, -25.36 Boolean: true or false null: It is a special keyword in JavaScript denotes to a null value Undefined: A value that comes for top level and […]