Year: 2015

How to use jQuery.ajax() api with PHP?

AJAX, stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. It’s just a way to have the client requested data from the server without having to reload the entire page. jQuery has a number of built-in AJAX functions and $.ajax() or jQuery.ajax() is one of them. Most of the time, we’ll use one or two of them, but […]

How to Create a Simple Image Gallery in JavaScript

Hi, I am Pradeep Kumar Jha a student of ADMEC Multimedia Institute Delhi, learning Web Designing/ UI Development course here. Today I want to discuss about the development of a basic image gallery in JavaScript. This is a project given by our JavaScript mentor in this institute. Who can read this post? A web designer, a JavaScript enthusiastic, a JavaScript learner, […]

How to install themes in Magento

You have installed the Magento and now looking for an easy step by step tutorial on ‘Installing theme in Magento’, then you landed up on the right page. Our expert has written a very concise and brief help guide for you. You can install theme in Magento in two ways: first is through Magento Connect and other […]

Basic JavaScript Tutorial for Beginners

Hi, I am Surekha Madaan, a web designing student of ADMEC Multimedia Institute today I am writing a very easy and step by step tutorial on JavaScript for those who just started learning JavaScript or for beginners. This article is completely focused on JavaScript basics and contains useful information about the introduction of JavaScript, importance of JavaScript and […]

Step by Step Guide on Using LESS with Bootstrap

‘Bootstrap’ or ‘Twitter Bootstrap’ from Twitter is very common word among web designers, html5 developers, or UI developers because in current scenario every company needs a website that fits on all the devices, platforms, and screens perfectly so that they can capture maximum business through their websites. In result Twitter launched an easy to implement […]

What’s Eligibility to Learn PHP?

Are you looking to make a career in PHP or want to learn fundamentals or in-depth of PHP, then you have landed at right place. In my counseling career I have came various clients who want to learn PHP but are confused as to where from start. So through this write up, I would like to clarify […]