Tag: Best PHP Training Center

Importance of PHP to Develop Rich Featured Websites

If you are aggressive to work in the IT industry and want to make your career as a professional web developer then you must have the knowledge of PHP language. You can create any type of website if you know PHP language. It is the most widely used web development language now a days. According […]

Learn Latest Version of PHP and MySQL to Become a Professional Web Developer

Learning PHP is usually the first step in web programming. It is the largest and the most popular web programming language. It’s been around since the 90’s and has powered the majority of popular websites including Digg, Facebook, Yahoo and every WordPress blog. Among all the server-side language or programming language used in developing a website and web application; PHP and […]

Robust and Flexible PHP Applications to Improve Your Online Website Presence

PHP is a widespread HTML – also an embedded scripting language which is broadly used to create dynamic web pages rapidly and effortlessly. Full form of PHP is Hypertext Preprocessor, earlier it was known as Personal Home Page. It is open source software invented by Rasmus Lerdorf in the year 1995. It’s usage can also […]

How to use jQuery.ajax() api with PHP?

AJAX, stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. It’s just a way to have the client requested data from the server without having to reload the entire page. jQuery has a number of built-in AJAX functions and $.ajax() or jQuery.ajax() is one of them. Most of the time, we’ll use one or two of them, but […]

What’s Eligibility to Learn PHP?

Are you looking to make a career in PHP or want to learn fundamentals or in-depth of PHP, then you have landed at right place. In my counseling career I have came various clients who want to learn PHP but are confused as to where from start. So through this write up, I would like to clarify […]

How to Use PHP Filters?

I am sure you have learnt about PHP Filters in your PHP course. PHP filters are very useful in dealing with data security and data management. Data security and data management is a major concern in all PHP applications. Data management refers to the handling of data and maintaining it for use and processing of the application in […]