Top Short Duration Courses in Web Design and Development at Web Development Institute in Delhi

Best Short Duration Courses in Web Design and Development in Delhi

Our institute has recently come up with special programs for students who have done their schooling and now studying under graduate programs like BCA, BSC, Btech, BBA, etc. These are short duration courses in web design and development and cover easy explanation.

Generally codding isn’t easy to learn without proper guidance. One needs to work on basics to make a strong foundation in codding. If your basics are not clear then you won’t be able to get the advanced concepts properly. That is the reason, we invite beginners to learn under our short-term programs in web design.

In this blog, we are sharing the list of some useful programs that are short duration and also offer proper certification to students.

List of Short Duration Courses in Web Design and Development for Students

The below given training courses are ideal for beginners as well as for those who want to upgrade their existing skills.

Web Design Short Programs

1. HTML5 & CSS3 Master Course

The first one is HTML5 and CSS3 with Bootstrap training. The duration will be around 3 months. This course covers making a structure of website and then styling it with animations and interactions.

We will also cover responsive website designing in it. HTML is a markup language and becomes very important for all beginners especially. We also cover it in our diploma programs because it is one of the most crucial skills to become a website developer.

2. JavaScript Course

Next is JavaScript. This language adds life to a website. We have this special course to train you in how to make websites interactive for users.

For example, By JavaScript you can add features like image sliders, popup messages, and animations to make websites more engaging.

Our institute is offering 3 courses in this:

You can pick the particular course according to skills you want to gain and time you have for training.

3. React JS Course

Those who know JavaScript can learn React JS in the next step. It is a most popular library of JS now a days. React JS is in demand in companies to build user interfaces for modern and fast speed websites and applications.

This special program covers classes on React to create dynamic web applications that will be user-friendly and professional. Our institute has 3 courses in React with the names: Standard, Premium and Master.

4. Angular JS Course

Angular is a powerful framework of JavaScript. Those who know JS can easily learn Angular under this course. We train students on Angular to build SPAs or Single Page Applications. Under this 2-month long program, you will you will attain skills to create structured and feature-rich management apps.

Web Development Short Courses

1. Node JS Course

Node JS is a back-end language which allows you to work on websites and applications. WDI has 1-4 months courses in Node JS. All these programs will teach you to build fast and scalable server-side applications. You will also learn to quickly connect databases to websites and how to handle data securely. Of course there is a difference in the curriculum in every program.

2. PHP & MySQL Development Course

PHP is one of the most popular server-side languages and MySQL is a powerful database. By this training you will learn how to use both PHP and MySQL together to build dynamic and data-driven websites. This basic to advance training duration will be 3 months long.

3. WordPress Course
WordPress is another skill that students can gain with their college studies. They can master WordPress just in 2 months with our standard program. So, if you want to create your own blog, portfolio, or business website then WordPress can definitely help you. Our WordPress program is perfect for you if you want to build website without programming.

But it is important to note that WordPress is also a strong part of web development. It is because we have theme and plugin development in it. Those who are good in PHP, MongoBD, MySQL and Apache develop their own themes in WordPress.

Our institute offers both basic and advanced training in it.

In basic course, you will learn to use WordPress to design, customize, and manage a website without coding. With our advance WordPress course, you can grasp skills in development part too like: theme development, plug-in development etc.

So, these were some of the trending short duration courses in web design and development that you can join to learn website designing quickly.

Interested in learning both front-end and back-end part?

Full Stack Development Course

If you want to move in web design and development industry and looking for secure job then there is a full stack web development course which will be best for you.  At

Our web development institute has 2 main long duration programs: Web Master and Web Master Plus. In web master we are covering front end and backend development both. Web Master Plus is little more advanced than web master as it covers UI designing and advanced back-end technologies like Node.js, MongoDB, Laravel, etc.

By these web courses you will learn to create websites and web applications while following your college studies.

How is ADMEC Multimedia connected with WDI?
The Web Development Institute is a part of ADMEC Multimedia Institute. ADMEC is a leading multimedia training institute in Delhi NCR. It offers high-quality training in top 12 career fields. UX design, graphic design, video editing, architect/interior, and animation are among them.

For more information, you can contact our institute and decide the right course for you.

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