Angular is the fastest evolving web development framework of JavaScript. Few developers have not even gone through all the features of version 6 of it, while its major release i.e. Angular 7 has been released. This version has major changes on the entire angular platform, which includes the core framework, Angular material and CLI synchronization. It also has some tools and partner launches. To have the best practical knowledge Web Development Institute is the best Angular Institute in Delhi.
What’s New in Angular 7?
Below I’m going to tell you all about the new features of the Angular 7. So here we are.
- Angular 6 can be updated to Angular 7 by just using a simple command.
ng update @angular/cli @angular/core
In version 7 most of the apps just takes 10 minutes to be updated.
- There are some changes in CLI prompt built-in features like routing or scss support for the common CLI commands like
ng new
orng add @angular/material.
- Earlier developers were making a common mistake of adding reflect-metadata in production, now to fix this update to the new version will automatically remove this from your polyfills.ts file.
- There has been a major change in the visual display of the content.
- Developers can now take a look at virtual scrolling by importing DragDropModule or the ScrollingModule. This can load and then unloads elements from the DOM i.e. only the elements which are displayed are loaded and others are unloaded which helps in faster and better user experience.
- In this new version there is now a new feature of drag and drop in the CDK, this includes automatic rendering which helps in moving of items and there are methods for reordering lists i.e. moveItemInArray and for the transfer of items between lists i.e. transferArrayItem.
<div cdkDropList class="list" (cdkDropListDropped)="drop($event)">
<div class="box" *ngFor="let movie of movies" cdkDrag>{{movie}}</div>
drop(event: CdkDragDrop<string[]>)
moveItemInArray(this.movies, event.previousIndex, event.currentIndex);
- The 7.0.0 release features updated dependencies on major 3rd party projects:
- TypeScript 3.1
- RxJS 6.3
- Node 10 — support for Node 10 added, and support for 8 continues.
- There is a major part of the community in the success of the Angular 7. That’s why it has made following partner launches.
- Angular console
This is most anticipated feature which finally we got. - @angular/fire
Now use Google Firebase natively with Angular. Read more about it here please. - NativeScript
Now develop apps on the Apple iOS and Android platforms using this open source framework. To explore more, please visit this link: - StackBlitz
It is an online IDE for web applications powered by Visual Studio Code. You can create, share, and embed live projects in just a click.
One should use this as it is the major release with plenty of new features in the family of Angular. This newer version has taken it to the new level. To have best knowledge about other important features, you need to have best guidance and for that it’s important to have the best Angular Training Courses in online and classroom training modes in Delhi and worldwide.