10 Things You must Know if You are a PHP Programmer

10 Things You must Know if You are a PHP Programmer

Everyone from us have bad habits similarly every PHP programmers also have so it is good to get rid of them as soon as possible. If we dont follow few important principles or guidelines to code then it can cause a daunting experience and can put the future of app in danger too.

So, lets reveal all those important points to be remembered while coding in PHP.

  1. Learn to Plan
  2. HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  3. Follow Object Oriented way of coding
  4. Not compromise with database and server security
  5. Proper commenting
  6. Follow a coding standard
  7. Better to follow a Design Pattern
  8. Keep Error_reporting on
  9. Use built-in PHP functions
  10. Use Post not Get

I will describe all the points surely in near future when I will be free.

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