Best Tips to Learn PHP Development like a Pro from A Training Institute in Delhi

Best Tips to Learn PHP Development like a Pro from A Training Institute in Delhi

Learning PHP development is not a rocket science at all. Learning anything is not tough if you know how to learn it. Most of the PHP learners fail because they don’t know how to learn development in it. Although an arrow can only be shot by pulling it backward but this is not applying here. PHP is a professional course so here you can’t apply your school days learning ideas and strategies. You need to come up with extra arrow in your quiver.

Then, are there few rules of thumb which one should follow to be master of it? Yes, there are many experienced PHP trainers, who can share such rules definitely with you. I have 10 years of experience of teaching this language at my training institute in Delhi. I have trained hundreds of students and observed few learning patterns in the successful and unsuccessful PHP students in my institute.
There are 3 types of PHP learners actually, first who fail badly, second who learn fairly, third types of those who master this language and go for the excellent career options as web developers or full stack web developers in India and in other countries. I will share my personal experience of so many years with so many students in 2 categories below.

Top Reasons for Unsuccessful Students of PHP Course

1. Poor Command on HTML5 and CSS3
This language is a backend programming, so you cannot develop the user interface for your website or web app in it. If you want to develop applications or website then you need a user interface so you should have good command over HTML5 and CSS3. I noticed in my PHP training that the students without good knowledge of HTML5 and CSS3 fade their interest in it most of the time so become abortive.

2. Coming with basic JavaScript Knowledge only
JavaScript is the second horse for developers while you are learning PHP. If you don’t know JavaScript then you don’t know Ajax, DOM manipulation etc. This language needs JavaScript to send asynchronous requests to the server from the client side to fetch data from the MySQL database. Ajax helps in updating the specific part of your website without refreshing the whole web page so it enhances the user experience (UX) by reducing the downloading time. Knowledge of JavaScript will definitely assist you in understanding PHP.
I always ask them to use Ajax using JavaScript XHR Object, jQuery’s $.ajax() api, and Angular’s http service in their assignments to understand the most important techniques for the industry.

3. Not Completing Beginner Level PHP Projects
Unsuccessful students don’t focus on initial projects issued by their mentors. They take it lightly and wait for the advanced level assignments. Dear friend, foundation needs to be very strong than the visible part of a high-rise building. So, complete all of your projects whether they are small or advanced to understand the all nuts and bolts of this programming language.

4. Impatient while Learning PHP Development
Rome was not built in a day, so you can’t be a sound PHP developer in few days. As per my opinion, failed students are more impatient so they expect output quickly from them. If developing an application in PHP and MySQL with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery which is mobile friendly and packed with super responsive features is not a rocket science, then it is not a child’s play also. You have to be calm and focused rather exasperated to get most out of your course.

5. Waiting for a ‘My Best Moment’ in PHP
Best moment in life those have who have prepared and worked hard for so same applies on this programming too. Don’t wait for your best moment rather make it for you by practicing more and more. If you will not practice then it will become extremely tough for you so you will become an unsuccessful person at the end of your training.

6. Not Focusing on a PHP and MySQL Practice Separately
One more point I want to tell you to note down is ‘thinking MySQL is the part of the PHP’. They both are the different things work together just like HTML and CSS, JavaScript and jQuery etc. You can start learning of MySQL queries even before your PHP classes. Learn all basic CRUD queries and database designing with tables and its types. It will help you in reducing the last-minute pressure in your classes so you focus on your projects more.

7. Not Using Internet
Internet is omnipresent as god. We offer free internet to all the students at our training center also but most of the failed students enjoy surfing irrelevant stuffs all the time. Ask your instructor for the best online resources of PHP and MySQL and study them in your extra time. There are many forums and online quizzes to play. Make sure you know and enjoy them.

8. Distracted or Lack of Focus
Although, it is not a new topic but I thought to write it separately for you. I have faced many students who are very irregular in their classes so in projects and workshops. The reason behind it I found when discussed with them was lack of focus. So, ignore the noise and focus on your work. I used to say them dear, focus on your PHP classes otherwise you will find your career becomes blur.

9. Don’t have Idea about Industry
A frog in the well doesn’t no the ocean so it can’t conceive of the ocean because you can’t speak of the ocean to a frog that lives in a well. My friend come out of the well and peep out at the industry where you have to work. PHP industry is an ocean and your PHP training institute is like a well for you.
You can attend some interviews of it to have a basic idea about the real-world needs. I am very much sure it will extremely motivate you for the better study.

10. Always Looks for a Short-cut to Complete Assigned Projects
Laziness is a secret ingredient that goes into failure. But it’s only kept a secret from the person who fails. Unsuccessful students want lazy solution. Laziness fuels more laziness so avoid it. Few students take help from their seniors or search similar PHP projects on internet to complete their project. Taking help is not bad but not doing your work yourself keeps away you from the real sauce of success. Laziness may appear attractive but work gives satisfaction.

All above points are just my observations and experience while I was teaching. These 10 points may help you in learning PHP with right directions. Below are the 10 important qualities of Successful Students so please read them carefully.

Top 10 Tips to Follow of Successful PHP Development Students

1. Have Excellent Knowledge of UI Designing
As discussed above already, successful students know UI designing right from the planning to designing web UI in Photoshop excellently. This knowledge helps in maintaining co-ordination with the design team in future.

2. Master of UI Development
Knowledge of UI development is highly anticipated skill for PHP Developers. Without it assignments can’t be created perfectly. If your instructor is a full stack developer like me then s/he will always expect a good UI while learning it. Such skills will help you in developing your portfolio for the industry showcase too at later stage and you can establish yourself as a full stack developer too.
This is the reason why I always guide everyone to join UI development or web designing courses before the PHP training.

3. Ready with an Application UI to Develop in PHP
A sincere student – I’m ready for the next level. He will be ready with it’s UI in hand or in mind. Before joining a PHP course, successful students plan for the project, isn’t it strange. Yes! It is true. I met many students who have prepared their designs and developed their UI too. You can also plan a nice mobile application UI for a dentist or a management app.

4. Ajax Always Helps
You can’t imagine the existence of a popular web application or website without Ajax these days. People are busy, they use mobiles and tablets so they want a fast website which downloads all the information in seconds so Ajax comes here for the rescue. Ajax is not a new language is just your JavaScript. So make sure you know it very well before starting your PHP for the maximum benefits.

5. Follow all the Instructions of the Mentor
Dedicated students never ignore their mentors’ instructions. They believe blindly in their instructors as my students believe in me. Good instructors don’t follow the course route map, they change it according to the students in their batches. So, be ready then only your instructor will appear.

6. Every Class is a Challenge So Ask Questions
Don’t miss a single class as it is a new challenge every day for you. Enjoy the new knowledge coming out of your every PHP class. Connect it with the project every day and work on it. Ask the questions if you have any doubt. Good students have questions while bad have problems. Make your classroom a discussion platform with your faculty. I am sure your faculty wants it too.

7. Explore More Than the Classes
Good students do not want good knowledge only they want more knowledge too. I noticed serious candidates study extra through internet and books. A good PHP institute offers a good library with collection of all the related books.

8. Ready to Walk on Difficult Roads
Difficult roads lead to the beautiful destinations so intelligent people are always ready to face the difficulties in learning something. Such students always like to surprise their instructors by giving their best in each assignment. So, their PHP instructor starts focusing on them specially and in result they learn more than any other student in their batch.

9. Peep Out at PHP Development Industry
Using a weapon at the time of training is completely different than its use in battle field. If you really want your horse ready for race then indulge in real time development too. Such students notice what are the most popular apps and websites made using this language. They attend webinars, workshops (even if they are paid), and interviews for industrial exploration.

10. Know the Value of a PHP Portfolio
Students who follow the above point (no. 9) surely, they plan a strong portfolio. I also ask my students to design either a website with dashboard or a management app e.g. library, institute data, test, attendance etc.

PHP development is one of the most highly paid career options these days in Delhi. As per my roughly estimation beginner PHP developers are being paid Rs. 15,000 to Rs. 35,000 along with various perks and allowances after completing the PHP Training from a good Institute in Delhi. If you follow all the above-mentioned points then I am sure you guys can make a highly successful career anywhere in the world.

Let me know your views, feedbacks, and problems related to your PHP training in below given comment area.

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